Monday, June 23, 2008

Yahd Work

They did demolition in my back yard today. They being the people who are going to be pouring/stamping concrete out there by the pool.

It doesn't look like it's going to be very nice. There really isn't enough room for the table and chairs we wanted to put out there. Like, not enough room at all.

Kind of upset about that.

I visited my roommate and my sister on Saturday. It was really nice seeing the roomie, I miss her a lot and wish we lived closer. It was also really nice seeing my sister and the kids. I love them a lot and really miss that I'm not around more often. I try to get out there as often as I can but it's really hard, particularly with gas the way it is.

I was supposed to go to my friend's party last night, and I really wanted to go, but she lives in MA, and not even that close to where my sister or my roommate live, and I just couldn't make the trip into a 3 day event. 1 day was hard enough in terms of driving and all that non sense. I do feel kind of left out, seeing as I live 2 hoursish away from school and most of my school friends live relatively close to school and each other.

September will get here soon enough I suppose. I'm not wishing summer away, by any stretch of the imagination. I'm just ready to go back and become a productive member of society again.

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