Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wednesday Blahs

I have class in like... an hour, and I feel so sick that I would much rather lay in bed all day than be in classes until 3:15.

I really want people to stop feeling sorry for themselves. It's okay to feel sorry for yourself every now and then, because from time to time there is REASON to feel sorry for yourself. I can name any number of instances where I was guilty of pitying myself, probably within the last 24 hours.

I just don't understand why some people feel the need to broadcast their feelings of inadequacy, their unhappiness, illness, etc. If someone walked up to me and said, "I'm pretty upset Rach, it turns out I have cancer," I would feel sorry for them, but more than that I would work with them as a person, as my friend, to try to get them to a point where they could live life and not feel sorry for themselves. Does that make any sense or am I just rambling?

I guess my point is, it's unfortunate that you have to get your wisdom teeth out and you're in pain, or that your body is sore from going to the gym, or that you have to work at an ungodly hour, etc. etc. But watch the news, read a book, go outside. There are so many more productive things one could do besides complaining about one's life.

It's so bothersome to me that people can't just live and enjoy life, something always has to be really bad or really good. Life is about enjoying everything: the happiness, the sadness, the stomach aches, the sleepless nights, the poetry, the flowers, everything. Just appreciate everything because experiencing something, anything, is so precious and so human.

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