Saturday, August 23, 2008

Granma: the Wee Voice in Yar Head

If I could invoke the voice of my late mad Irish granma "Jayzus Christ Almighty whut is going on in this world" (just imagine that to be the most Irish accent you've ever heard).

I don't understand why people do the things they do, particularly kids. I do a lot of weird things, and I still act like a kid some of the time (well, a lot of the time... but not a bad kid), but teenagers do A LOT of fucking weird things.

I never intentionally didn't tell my mother where I was going or what I was up to. Sometimes it just happens that we forget to fill the rents in, which is totally understandable every once in a while. "Running away" or whatever, SO not cool. Not cool AT ALL.

Long story short, one of my friends decided to not go home last night, and to lie to her mother about where she was (saying she was at my house after she got out of work, and that she slept over another one of our friend's house). So her mother called all of us frantic, looking for her. The short version of the story is that she is home now, she doesn't sound at all happy, but I guess that is to be expected.

I just do not understand what goes through peoples' heads sometimes. I'm very worried about her, but I totally understand if her mother whoops her ass. I would if I were her mother. I feel like saying a thing or two to her as it is, out of concern. I just don't understand.

I saw the movie "Bent" today. It made me weep something fierce. It's about the Nazi persecution of homosexuals during the Holocaust. If you've never been to the Holocaust museum in DC, go, it's... simply amazing. I've been twice. I cry every time I read the part where the all the people of Denmark, even the KING, wore yellow stars so that the Nazis couldn't take everyone. I think that is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard. And it's so simple! There is no excuse for the catastrophic loss of life as a result of Nazi idealogy. There is no excuse for any loss of life that isn't natural (though I am pro choice). But I'm not going to go off into a tangent.

My mom had polio when she was a child. She has blonde hair and blue eyes, but she walks with a limp. She's walked with a limp since she came down with polio when she was fifteen months old. She would have been killed. Undesireable.

Okay that was a tangent. "Bent" is just an awesome movie, not one of the best that I've seen, but it is very moving. I think it tries too hard to be moving, which was my biggest issue with it. Also, there are some parts that I find to be in poor taste. On the whole, though, it really is an awesome movie. Definetly worth watching.

Sometimes I wish everyone had a crazy Irish granma to talk them off the roof, even if she's only in your head saying "Yar gonna get yar ass whooped when you come down from there!"

1 comment:

Bill Graber said...

Hi this is Paula over at Lesbiatopia... Renee are talking and wondering if you'd like to write for us?

If you do drop me a line