Saturday, November 14, 2009

This boy is a hero

Will Phillips, a 10 year old elementary-schooler from Arkansas, is exercising his Constitutional right to stand in silence while the Pledge of Allegiance is recited. He refuses to recite the pledge because, in his belief, it does not apply to all Americans, namely GLBT Americans.

God bless this young man, and take care of him too. It's hard to fight for what's right, but he is 10 and he is standing up to his peers and his teachers and his administrators and saying "Something is not right with this country, and this 'pledge' does not apply to all Americans." When I was 10 I thought about art class and what I would make today, I thought about playing my squeeky and shrill violin, I thought about playing on the playscape and avoiding getting splinters, about petting the horses behind the elementary school during recess. I didn't much think about things that were bigger than the immediate future, much less things that were any bigger than just me. We need more adults (and kids) like Will Phillips, what a brave young man.


Landlady of Fat said...

God, I hope that boy doesn't get hurt.

I am SOOO proud of him though.

Rachel said...

CNN just did a piece about him (they neglected the fact that he also mentioned racism and sexism, in addition to out and out inequality for GLBT people) and he mentioned that the kids are being mean to him about it, as kids will find anything to be mean to other kids about. He seems very strong, and he is standing by his convictions and his parents are supportive of him, and that's all that matters. I hope he is very safe, too, it's hard enough as a 20 year old to stand up for what I believe in, I can't imagine being 10.