Monday, November 9, 2009

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

We're home from Ireland. It was lovely, it rained all day Saturday, but it was incredibly beautiful (despite the rain). I love me some old country, it feels like going home for some reason, but it makes me miss Newfoundland like crazy (not that everything doesn't make me miss Newfoundland... but everything about Ireland reminds me of NF). I can't stand how isolated Ireland is though, and how small everything is and how quiet it is and how friendly everyone is...

Hah well at that last part, everyone is very friendly in Ireland (once you get outside of Dublin) for the most part, which is something you RARELY find in London. It's nice to having someone treat you with politeness, it's just very strange (for me, someone who spends the better part of her time being treated like the lowest of the low in my baggy jeans and hoodies on the streets of London. Just because I don't wear Gucci and Versace doesn't mean you have the right to treat me like sh*t, it just means I'm not as tacky and flamboyant as you).

But now onto bigger and better news.

Oh so so so much better.

I can barely contain my joy.

Okay Rachel... breathe...

I'm going to see Cat on a Hot Tin Roof with Hillary in 15 days (15 days tomorrow night, I'm jumping ahead a little out of sheer excitement).

But seeing that play isn't the most exciting part. It gets better.

It's staring... JAMES EARL JONES!! Mufasa... Darth Vader... Oh how exquisite it will be!!

But wait... it is about to get even better!!

It's also starring... PHYLICIA RASHAD!! Now, I know I'm in love with an average of 50 billion women at any given moment, but to be completely honest, Phylicia Rashad is probably the hottest woman I've ever seen (if not at least she is in the top five). She is so hott, with her BA attitude on the Cosby Show, not to mention how drop-dead, breath-takingly GORGEOUS she is. I'm probably going to melt into a puddle in my seat and Hillary is going to have to carry me home. I know I won't be able to take pictures in the theatre, but rest assured my mouth will be gaping open the entire time and I will have palpitations.

Hope everyones' weeks are off to fantastic starts. Tomorrow is Tuesday... ugh... my worst day. My architecture professor runs us all over the city on Tuesdays. Wish me luck please!

Take care out there!

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