Thursday, September 4, 2008


Oh my gosh I saw the FUNNIEST comedians tonight. They were so incredibly funny, and my friends took up two entire rows (all the way across). Although I am the only lesbian in my group of friends (the only out one anyway...) we basically looked like the lesbian contingency of *insert my college name here*. Maybe it's because I hang out with softball players? Who's to say?

But all the lesbian jokes were directed towards us, more specifically me. All I can say is "dora the coochie explora." I was literally on the floor.

I made dinner for four of my friends (and myself) tonight. It was the first time I've ever cooked for people who weren't my mother and her friend and they LOVED it! It was such a big confidence booster for me. The entire hall smelt of the deliciousness and the love for hours. It was so nice to just have a meal with them, in the kitchen, all sitting around drinking TAB soda, eating wonderful pasta, laughing, talking, catching up, reminiscing. We really are the coolest people in the entire world.

I feel so much better than I did a few days ago, thanks to my friends and my school for providing me with awesome outlets. I've never laughed so hard in my life, or smiled so big. I see friendly faces everywhere I go, people know my name, they know who I am, what I stand for. They accept me for me, they know me. I can't get over how good it feels to walk across campus, and KNOW everyone you come across.

I haven't gotten used to not seeing the seniors, and seeing their replacements (the freshmen). I don't know many of the freshmen, the ones I do know are cool. There are like... maybe two out lesbians that I can see, probably ten closet cases. Nobody that I'm really interested in, which is disappointing to me.

She's out there though, I know it.

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