Tuesday, June 3, 2008


So apparently today is "blogging for LGBT families day." I guess all I have to say about that topic is that, as a human being, I value my rights. As someone with empathy, I value the rights of others. As a lesbian, I value the rights and the struggle of the LGBT community. As an eighteen year old girl, who wants nothing to do with having a family, I can't really say I have too much to say about this particular issue. Under the larger umbrella of LGBT rights, yes, this is a very important issue and needs to be addressed. People should be allowed to marry whomever they choose to be their lifetime companion. Screw the people who say that if we allowed gays to marry, then anything could happen. Screw them, a lot, that just makes me so furious. We're not talking about marrying kids or animals here, you bunch of crazies! We're talking about marrying the PERSON WHOM WE LOVE! Marriage isn't a religious thing, people were getting married and settling down together LONG before Moses held the 10 Commandments or Jesus was laid on a cross. As long as both people sincerely love and respect each other, there is no issue. How many times have straight people gotten married out of obligation, or any reason besides love? Millions of times. It happens alllllll the time. Don't go saying gay marriage would detract from the holiness of marriage. God creates each person the way HE desires. Who are we to say that God created something imperfectly. Sounds like blasphemy to me...

Personally though, I can't see myself getting married or having children. Well, maybe I can see myself having a child, but not getting married. I like playing the field too much, having my cake and eating it too, so to speak. I'm very bad at being a one woman kinda woman. Trust me, being in a relationship is awesome, it's such a great feeling, to know there is someone out there who loves you and wants only you. That's exactly the reason why I don't like being in a relationship though, because it's not fair to the girl I'm with. I will love her and respect her, but I won't want only her. I admit I have wandering eyes and a wandering heart. But that's just me, and maybe it's because I'm young. Maybe I just haven't met the right girl.

But enough about my life. People should be allowed to marry whoever they want. And if you can open your home to a child, all the better. There are so many kids out there who could use a loving home. Gay parents are as capeable of raising a child as straight parents, and every parent/couple is different. If you're an adoption agency, go to the house and check it out, make sure they're normal. Normal means they love each other, are prepared to love another human being, are gainfully employed, have a future, and aren't completely insane. If anything, extreme conservatives shouldn't be allowed to adopt or even have children. They should be "fixed."

But I'm not one to perpetuate stereotypes or suggest that any group of people be treated any differently than any other group of people. Everyone should be treated equally, regardless of how completely ridiculous they are. We tolerate you, you ridiculous conservative asses. It's your turn to do some toleratin'. Oh, and when you're toleratin', take the corn cob pipe out of your mouth, stop beating your wife and stop having anonymous homosexual sex in airport bathrooms. Kthx.

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