I have to study for an exam in my research methods class, but I'm doing everything in my power to procrastinate. So here I am.
Apparently I have an exam in research methods tomorrow, and two exams on Wednesday (one in statistics and the other in child development). All courses I need to take in order to remain a psych major. Which means I'm kicking myself for not being a carefree English major. I can talk Shakespeare until I'm blue in the face, but all this analytic nonsense is... well... analytic nonsense. I'll do fine though, because I am genuinely interested in the subjects (for the most part... the intricacies of the APA Ethical Code are only so interesting though... but I definitely understand the necessity in it).
I have a meeting of the executive board of the GSA in an hour, which will kill more study time. And then I have to stand guard in the lower student union from 9-midnight in the event that anyone from campus wants a board game or to watch movies on the big screen. But I'll be doing homework that entire time, so it will at least be semi productive.
I got another email expressing interest in the GSA today from a girl I've seen around campus, who I know is painfully not out. I was actually really thrilled that it was from her because I am starting this club with the hope that the GSA will be a safe environment for people coming to terms with their sexuality. I know how hard it is when you're so sure of who you are, but you can't bear to face the reactions of others. This club certainly isn't about outing people, either. I would never out someone, particularly when it is painfully obvious that they aren't ready to be out. But it's so sad to watch. I remember coming to college, already out to several of my closest friends, already completely sure of who I am. I thought I totally accepted myself, and that everyone else would too. Unfortunately, I felt like I couldn't be out at school, and so I didn't tell anyone, until it all reached its boiling point and I had to be out. I don't want that to happen to anyone else, though I know it happens all the time. I want this school to let everyone know that it is okay to be who you are, and that everyone will be appreciated no matter what, which is how I feel now. But it's how I should have felt as an incoming freshman. I guess the long and short of it is I'm trying to spare the freshman some of the tribulations I went though. But I understand that we all need to make our own mistakes, no one else can make them for us, unfortunately.
In any event I'm totally excited about the GSA, in case it's not obvious. Totally not excited at all about three exams in the next two days, but it'll be okay. Everything is always okay.
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