Friday, October 3, 2008

Don't Even Joke About Karma

Karma is a big bitch.

So I have a long and complicated story that takes place between 8:55 and 9:13 this morning.

There once was a college student named Rachel, who didn't go to sleep until 2 am because she was too busy laughing riotously in another dorm to be bothered with sleep. Lucky for me I did go back to my room last night, lest I would be in a puddle of tears somewhere.

So there I am, sleeping peacefully at 8:55 this morning, my alarm clock set for 9 am (class at 10:30), when all of a sudden there is a pounding on the door. My roommate, who was also asleep (but had class at 9:30) jumped out of bed to answer it.

It was the RD, who is a friend of mine and the advisor for the GSA.

"Is Rachel here?"

"Yeah, but she's sleeping, what's up."

At this point I am almost awake, because as soon as I hear my name I wake up.

"Her car is being towed."

I jump out of bed, half hanging out of my tank top, pajama bottoms hanging around my waist.

"You parked in a space where you aren't supposed to park, they're towing your car."


So she repeated herself, as I adjusted my tank top and put my addidas sandals on.
So I grabbed my keys, my wallet and my cell phone, and sprinted down to the lot where my car is parked. The details of my run to the car teeter on the obscene, so I'll just leave it at some people shouldn't run with tank tops on, because it may or may not result in a black eye.

Sure enough, there were people there doing construction right next to my car, but there was no indication that the space where my car was parked was a space where they were doing work. There were cones partitioning off all the spaces to the left of my car, and to the right there were rows and rows of cars, sitting pretty.
So I slowed down, walked toward my baby Rhonda (my car), with tears welling in my eyes, and asked if I could move her. The guys, ruther disgruntled, said yes, so I moved my girl to a safe location, removing the bright orange ticket that had been lodged under her windshield wiper (the second one I've gotten this week, might I add, but I deserved the first one).

At this point I was pissed off beyond belief, because there was nothing indicating that I couldn't park there, there was no reason they should have threatened to two my car, to wake me up when I had five minutes of sleep left, to make my run down a big ass hill in the most uncomfortable sandals ever, looking like a complete and total douche with my hair all crazy and unkempt Irish in the morning.

So I bust into campus police like some kind of badass and start giving them a piece of my mind, about how I shouldn't have to pay the fine, the cones weren't in the right place, why should I have to pay a ticket when some asshole moved the cones and it's not my fault, this isn't fair blah blah blah on and on. I was heated, and maybe a little rude, but no ruder than those guys have been to me in the past (though might I add that I know several of the guys from campus police and they are wonderful people and they do a great job, they're the best). The first guy I dealt with basically told me to calm the hell down and man up and pay the fine, cause I wasn't gonna get out of it. The second guy who I dealt with took the ticket and told me to head on my way, without paying it or anything else. So I did, told them all to have a great day (sincerely) and left to call everyone I knew and tell them how outrageous my morning was.

And then it occured to me, as I was walking back to my room, that there was a reason the cones were missing from the spot they clearly wanted no one to park in.

My friend and I thought it would be a brilliant idea to steal cones and put them on our friends' cars last night, so we did. Apparently we stole the cones from the spot where I proceeded to park last night, having forgotten that I was parking in a reserved space (a "tow zone" if you will).

Basically, I'm the asshole kid who moved the cones, and then forgot that the spot from which I stole the cones was a place where I shouldn't park.

Wow, I am dumb, and lucky as hell that my car didn't get towed.


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