Found this on my friend's page on Facebook, thought it looked interesting. Also, my boredom at being home has to be utterly apparent by now.
♥ Who asked who out first?
Well, we decided we were dating on November 27, but we had effectively been together for like a week or two prior to Thanksgiving. I guess since I was the forward one I asked her out, but I'm definitely not the kind of person to ask someone else out, I like to try to convince myself that I'm tough and not getting attached :P
♥ How old are each of you?
19, almost 20 (me) and 21, 22 in the fall (Hill).
♥ Whose siblings do you see the most?
I guess that'd be my sister, since we hang out at her house and play with the kids from time to time. Hill has three older half siblings, two of whom she doesn't speak to and one whom she is very close with, but I have yet to meet him on account of her parents told her she shouldn't "come out" to the family (besides them) yet.
♥ Who gets embarrassed more easily?
Hillary is super klutzy (example: we went out to breakfast with her parents and her roommate a few weeks ago and Hillary shook her bottle of iced tea... after she had already removed the cap. Got iced tea all over herself, it was brilliant.)
♥ Which one likes to go shopping more?
We both like to shop, but I think I'm more wasteful when it comes to money. We go grocery shopping together a lot, raspberry sorbet :)
♥ Are there wedding bells in the future?
Ummm... Well I'm 19... I know it's cliche and probably sending up red flags with anyone who reads this... but I do love her a great deal and I can see myself spending the rest of my days holding her hand, missing her when she's not around, eating raspberry sorbet (50% sorbet, 50% whipped cream) at midnight, going to the
Peace Abbey on our days off, blah blah blah mushy stuff. But definitely NOT before I graduate from undergrad, and probably not until I at least have my LMHC.
♥ Do you have any children together?
Yes... her name is Alycia... :P
♥ What about pets?
That's my department. When Hillary sleeps over she has to fight off Kitty for a spot at my side (at least when she sleeps over I make the dog sleep outside of my room... or else Hillary would probably be sleeping at the foot of the bed). At the moment I have five cats (my beloved Kitty is the only one I really care about, but I'm pretty fond of Baby too, she was my first kitten), one dog (her name is Puppy, she is eightish, and I've determined that she has ADHD), and two bunnies (Buns, the gentlest soul I've ever known and Russel, the least gentle soul I've ever known). When we get the apartment in 2010 we're planning on getting some type of animal (I've been forbidden from bringing Kitty or Puppy, and Buns is too old and Russel is too much of a handful) because I can't function without animals.
♥ Did you go to the same school?
We went to the same school, I s'pose, now that Hill is a big bad college graduate.
♥ Are you from the same home town?
No, Hillary comes from East Jesus Nowhere, MA and I'm from a suburb of Hartford, CT. About a two hour drive if traffic is cooperating.
♥ Who is the smartest?
Well, Hill graduated cum laude and she was in three honor societies. We're both very intelligent human beings, but I don't often use "intelligent" and "smart" in the same thought, because I personally feel that intelligence is more important than whether or not one is "smart." Smart is subjective, intelligence is lived.
♥ Who is the most sensitive?
Me, totally totally totally. I give off the tough guy facade but I get all weepy about... well... pretty much everything.
♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
I'm disgusting, I know, but this question is just so hilarious to me that I can't answer it. It's just too priceless.
♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Florida to Disney over spring break '09. We drive long distances a lot, like when we went to Maine to see Brandi Carlile and when we went to P-Town in late April.
♥ Who has the worst temper?
Me, unfortunately. But we fight because we love each other and we spend a lot of time together (actually, a lot of it had to do with the fact that I am leaving for London in the fall and we're not going to be together for a long period of time until January). We get along very well though, and the "worst temper" isn't really that bad at all in this case.
♥ Who is more social?
Hillary is. I'm reserved (see shy) and quiet whereas Hillary lights up an entire room when she enters. She just has one of those personalities that draws people to her.
♥ Which one is more optimistic?
We're both very optimistic, perhaps too optimistic for our own good (perhaps that statement in and of itself is a sign of pessimism?).
♥Who is the neat freak?
I have OCD when it comes to things like bed sheets (I tend to have a meltdown if the sheets aren't up to military standards), the arrangement of the clutter on my desk, etc. which doesn't qualify me as a neat freak, but it does make me a freak. Hill, on the other hand, likes to keep things neat and tidy, but not overly so.
♥ Who is the more stubborn?
Me. Le sigh.
♥ Who wakes up earlier?
Well now that Hillary has a big girl job (with her own cubicle!) she has to get up at 6 am in order to leave the house by 7 to make the 2 hour commute. However, during the academic year I am in the habit of getting up an hour and a half before my first class (usually that means getting up around 7:30-8:00), something Hillary was appalled by when we first started sleeping over each others' dorms.
♥ Where was your first date?
The Peace Abbey :) We're old hippies at heart.
♥ Who has the bigger family?
Me in the regard that I still talk to and regularly see most of my extended family. However, my immediate family is just me and mum, whereas Hill has two parents.
♥ Do you get flowers often?
I don't think I've gotten flowers... except for Valentines Day when Hill cooked me dinner and I got to keep the flowers that she used in the table setting. I give her flowers pretty regularly (sunflowers, and live flowers because I feel like giving dead flowers is purposeless). Hill knows I have enough flowers to care for (the garden is going to be so pretty this year!).
♥ How do you spend the Holidays?
Which holidays are we talking here? I suppose when I get home from London, since the plan is we will be living together, we'll probably be holidaying together also.
♥ Who is more jealous?
It's a pretty even mix. I'm a little jealous of people from her past (I also revel in the fact that she chose me and she wants to be with me, I win), however Hillary is jealous of some of my friends (straight girls who like to flirt with gay girls... aka gay girls) because they like to make her jealous (and always succeed).
♥ Who sleeps more?
Not sure, maybe me? I dunno. Hill would sleep like a cat if she could though.
♥ Who eats more?
We both came to the conclusion that we were meant to be because we absolutely LOVE food, so I'd say it's probably about even.
♥ Who does the laundry?
Depends who has money on their laundry card when we need to do laundry. I find laundry to be very therapeutic (because I'm deranged. I also enjoy dishwashing, seriously. I should have been a housewife) so I do the laundry whenever I get the chance.
♥ Who’s better with the computer?
Probably me because I have a lot more patience than Hillary does. She'd probably throw it out the window or have a meltdown before she stopped to figure the problem out.
♥ How long have you been together?
Six months tomorrow :) but I've known her for almost two years. She's my best pal, my confidant, my strength when I need it. I truly believe that, if she isn't
the one, she is the greatest friend I'll have ever found on this earth.