I'm familiar with the Cape area, because that's where my family lived. We would visit my grandma, cousins, aunts, uncles, extended family members, etc. etc. and it would always be a great time.
The family has since drifted, and drifted apart in many ways besides distance. Such is life I suppose. All the cousins are growing up, moving on, and the family is slowly becoming disconnected.
But family is family and blood is blood and we will always be there for each other.
But this isn't a story about my family, it's a story about the great state of Massachusetts: where I spent many weekends in my formative years, where most of my memories reside, where I am getting my higher education, where I plan on living, and also where a little place called Provincetown in situated.
But this isn't a story about my family, it's a story about the great state of Massachusetts: where I spent many weekends in my formative years, where most of my memories reside, where I am getting my higher education, where I plan on living, and also where a little place called Provincetown in situated.
I blogged about Provincetown after my first trip out there in June, and about how amazingly fantastically awesomely fabulous it is. Well, it's still fabulous.
I was out there with four of my straight gal friends (who I went to high school with) from Sunday to Tuesday and we could not have had more fun.
We stayed at the Days Inn in Hyannis, which is about an hour out of Ptown, but the ride gave us time to catch up, sing songs, get reaquainted, things of that nature. And we stayed in one room. Five girls, in one room. Talk about getting reaquainted.
We got in on Sunday night, and proceeded to bounce on the beds like animals.

That's my best friend flying through the air, and me being glad I'm safely on the ground.
We had such a great time!!
We can't wait to go back to Ptown. I've even got plans to move out there and open up my own business, as soon as I figure out what the heck I want to sell. But really, Ptown is one of my favorite places and if you haven't been, you should definetly check it out. No matter what orientation you are, where you're from, what you like to do in your free time, there is something for you in Provincetown.
Massachusetts, you're my home!