I had no desire to do anything this Halloween, because in my heart I am an elderly woman who wants nothing more than to be left alone to pour over my studies for hours.
But I was invited to a party, along with all of my friends. I was also invited to go trick or treating, but I decided against it at the last minute. Eventually it was time to get dressed up and go to the party. I borrowed a cheerleader costume my friend made ("but i'm a cheerleader"... get it) and we all went off in several carloads of people. I got a freshman to be Dd, which turned out to be one of the best decisions I've made as of late.
I won't go into the nitty gritties of the night, just some of the significant goings-on.
My first thought upon waking up this morning with the worst hangover ever: I have never kissed so many straight girls before in my life than I did last night. At one point I was dancing and a girl walked up to me, kissed me on the mouth and said "I'm gay!" It was a little surprising.
At one point last night I was hanging out in the smoking section on the front porch, when a cop car drove by. I immediately went inside and told everyone to shut up. Then about 30 people ran into the house and yelled "cops!" and the entire party ran out the back door, started jumping fences in all different directions, hiding behind sheds, etc. The cops did stop at the house, and they did ask us to keep it down and to stay inside, but that was that. Being smushed between a bunch of people trying to hide in the shadows behind a tool shed is not my idea of fun.
When we were driving back to school both of the entrances were blocked by campus police. We had to show ID in order to get back into school, luckily at the time we all had our IDs and were coherent enough to get them. It was just a little... nerve racking to have to deal with campus police right then and there.
I had a great and relatively problem free Halloween. Hope everyone else had a very safe and happy Halloween also!!
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