I feel like the last time I carved a pumpkin was probably when I lived in Hartford, just nearing on a million years ago now. I have lots of great Hartford stories, but no great pumpkin stories.
That was a great pumpkin reference for Peanuts fans. I never understood why Marcy always called Peppermint Patty "Sir." It sends me into a fit of giggles every time I think about it.
Anywho, so I carved a pumpkin tonight. The reason I haven't carved a pumpkin in so long probably has something to do with the fact that you end up with pumpkin seeds and pumpkin mush all up to your armpits. It's wicked gross, I basically ran back and forth between the bathroom and the pumpkin carving area every single time I picked a handful of mush out of the pumpkin. I can't stand that sticky gross feeling, gives me the heeby jeebies just thinking about it. I'll be smelling like pumpkins for weeks, yum. My pumpkin started out as a cat that evolved into several other things as the evening progressed and my mind wandered further and further into the gutter. I would put up a picture but I am quite ashamed as to how it turned out, and some things are better left in the gutter.
Happy pumpkin carving and apple cider drinking and corn maze wandering season!!!
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