I start making money is just under 20 minutes! This is my only break of the day... I'll be back at 9 to weep over text books and possibly through in a Disney movie to make me feel better about the chaos of my life. But I'm having fun and leeeaarrning.
Anywho, so I'm starting a gsa here at good old *my college* basically singlehandedly. The assistant director of student activities send out a mass email to all undergraduates telling all interested students to please contact me. It basically said "If you're interested in being a part of the gay-straight alliance on campus please contact Rachel *lastname*." I came back to my room last night to my roommate in a fit of giggles over how I had been outed to the entire campus, and some mortification from my other friends who thought I might have been offended by this. I don't mind, in fact I asked her to send out that email because we need interested people. I only know so many people, many of whom are not interested in this club for various reasons, and because I don't know everyone I don't know who is and who is not interested. So far I've gotten four responses from people I don't know, and more than 10 from my friends (I love them all dearly because they are mostly joining the club to support me, which gives me the warm fuzzies).
I have to head to work now but I am oh so very excited about the gsa. I just need to come up with activities/events that will be fun and all enclusive. We can't have a big gay get-together because then 3 people would show up, not including all my straight friends who would go to support me (bless their hearts).
And I'm excited about making money and babysitting the children tonight. Ack my life is crazy, but fantastic!
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