The thousands of protestors
I was getting nervous just watching them up there
Supportive Mormons<3
A small child there with his fathers with the cutest umbrella ever
More people
The pre-rally lull
The protest in Boston was nothing short of a supreme success for the community. There were congresspeople, senators (Ted Kennedy wasn't there, sadly, but he was definitely there in spirit), community organizers, students, husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, friends, family, everyone. Everyone was there in love and support. The feeling of being among friends was truly overwhelming. The rain couldn't keep us away.
As we borded the t, going back to our corners of Massachusetts and the world, there was a sense of completeness. We had sung and danced and chanted. Our voices were heard. We're mad as hell, and we're not going to stand for it. This is something bigger than ourselves, bigger than just us. This is for us, this is for our families. This is for the ones who came before us whose voices were never heard, and the ones who will come, in the hopes that they will use their voices, that they will speak out against injustice. This is so that the world will see that we aren't just bigots here in this country, and we aren't silent either. We can't be scared back into the closet. We aren't going away.
There are more protests to come. The greatest gift we can give to the nation that granted us freedom:
Protest. Protest. Protest.
I have over sixty photos of the protest and several videos, which I'll load onto my youtube account sometime soon and post here. Thanks to everyone who went out and protested today.
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