I'm eighteen years old, almost nineteen, and I'm actually afraid for our country (and my future). I went for a job interview today at a coffee chain that will remain nameless, and there must have been 20+ other applicants, all from various walks of life. One man was older, clearly mentally challenged (maybe borderline unemployable as a result). One women explained that she lived in a motel nearby so getting to work would be no issue. One girl was going to school in Rhode Island, home for summer vacation (very similarly to me). One man needed a job in the morning on the way to his afternoon/evening job to add to his already meager wages. It's a sad day when all of these people have to put themselves out and basically beg for employment. It was clear that most of the people there NEEDED the job, had reached the end of their rope and had nowhere else to turn. It's when people become desparate that something is wrong, and something must be done.
Gas cannot be $4.15 a gallon (maybe it's a cent or two less at this point). I paid $50 to put 12ish gallons in my car today, my car that needs to get my friend and I to Boston and back this weekend (Boston is about 2 hours from where I live, about 1/4 of a tank of gas both ways). It is unbelieveable, and the prices just get passed along to the consumer. It's enough to make ya want to stay home, lock your doors, and pretend the world isn't going on around you.
I hope I get the job, in any event. More then that I hope all the rest of the applicants get the job. The only way to survive in a capitalist economy is to create capital and keep it circulating. Don't hide your money under your bed, that won't help you. And don't send it off to Swiss Banks where it will be safe. It needs to be spent, it needs to circulate, or else people become desparate. Keep looking out for the little guy, because some day you may find yourself feeling small and needing someone to look out for you.
So I'm going to True Colors in Boston this weekend, so excited!!! P Town last weekend, True Colors this coming weekend, and Pride Week in Disney World the following weekend. I don't even know where to begin with my elation, I'm having a wonderful summer, hope the rest of the world is too.
Of course I'm going to have a lot to say about True Colors. I'll try to sneak a camera in, but no promises.
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